I don't buy it. Hocus pocus.......Mumbo jumbo.........
DS -agreed, people have been predicting this shit for centuries and been wrong. this is just a tv show to get people to watch, i.e. money drives bs like this.
TB - In a lot of ways, I want the world to rid itself of humans. We are a flu. I hope the Mayan's are right. I'm up for a 2012 bang.
SS -
You're tripping dude. Why the anger ? Why do you hope the Mayans are right ? Mayans are humans too. So Mayans are the flu. I don't want them to be right.
Your attitude is the flu. Lighten up baby !!!!!!!!!!!!
I was always the one in this group to have a bad attitude. Not you. DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DS - Agreed, why the bad attitude? There are a lot of happy people who have a lot to live for. Lighten up man, it's bad karma to wish mass destruction to your fellow mankind.
TB - It's bad karma to wish harm to fellow man kind, but it's okay for man kind to harm the world on a mass scale, time and time again? Sounds a bit hypocritical
I have a lot to live for and I'll ease up, but lets not think that Humans dying wouldn't be a great thing for all other life forms on this planet (domestic animals included).
I have a lot to live for and I'll ease up, but lets not think that Humans dying wouldn't be a great thing for all other life forms on this planet (domestic animals included).
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